St. Augustine

St. Augustine in His Study

St. Augustine in His Study

11×14″ acrylic on canvas February 7, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from Augustine’s Confessions (11.2.3): “Lord, perfect me, and open those pages to me. Behold, your voice is my joy, your voice is above a flood of pleasures…. Do not forsake your gifts, and do not despise this your plant which thirsts for you.”

People of the Book: Loving For the Sake of that Toward Which We Are Carried

People of the Book: Loving For the Sake of that Toward Which We Are Carried

16×16″ acrylic on canvas February 7, 2013 Inspired by the following passage from Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine: “The plenitude and the end of the Law and of all the sacred Scriptures is the love of a Being which is to be enjoyed and of a being that can share that enjoyment with us… We should […]

You Breathed Your Fragrance on Me

You Breathed Your Fragrance on Me

11×14″ chalk pastels on paper October 12, 2012 Inspired by a line in Augustine’s Confessions, from which the title takes its name.

This Book Changed My Affections

8×10″ charcoal and colored pencil on paper January 5, 2013 Buy original Buy print Inspired by the following lines from The Confessions of St. Augustine: In the ordinary course of study I came upon a book by a certain Cicero…. This work contains an exhortation to philosophy and is called Hortensius. This book changed my […]

Tree by pond

He is Meek and Humble of Heart

9×12″ watercolor on paper December 21, 2012 Buy original Buy prints Inspired by the following passage from The Confessions by St. Augustine: All this those writings of the Platonists do not have. Their pages do not have this face of piety, the tears of confession, your sacrifice, a troubled spirit, a contrite and a humbled […]