People of the Book: Loving For the Sake of that Toward Which We Are Carried

People of the Book: Loving For the Sake of that Toward Which We Are Carried

People of the Book: Loving For the Sake of that Toward Which We Are Carried

16×16″ acrylic on canvas
February 7, 2013

Inspired by the following passage from Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine:

“The plenitude and the end of the Law and of all the sacred Scriptures is the love of a Being which is to be enjoyed and of a being that can share that enjoyment with us…

We should use it, not with an abiding but with a transitory love and delight like that in a road or in vehicles or in other instruments, or, if it may be expressed more accurately, so that we love those things by which we are carried along for the sake of that toward which we are carried.”

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