Waking Feelings Such As One Never Had Before

Waking Feelings Such As One Never Had Before

Waking Feelings Such As One Never Had Before

22×28″ oil on canvas
February 16, 2013

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Inspired by the following passage from George MacDonald’s Lilith:

“The mere words, however, woke in me feelings which to describe was, from their strangeness, impossible.

Some dreams, some poems, some musical phrases, some pictures, wake feelings such as one never had before, new in colour and form–spiritual sensations, as it were, hitherto unproved:

here, some of the phrases, some of the senseless half-lines, some even of the individual words affected me in similar fashion – as with the aroma of an idea, rousing in me a great longing to know what the poem or poems might, even yet in their mutilation, hold or suggest.”

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